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Esbjoern Hargens Sean

Sean is a global leader in the application of integrative thinking to leader development, organizational design, and mixed-methods design. In 2011 he founded MetaIntegral a social impact network that supports change leaders around the world in applying integrative principles. Sean’s passion lies at the intersection of design, integral theory, and embodiment. He has published and edited numerous articles, chapters, and books. His most recent book is Metatheory for the Twenty-first Century.

We talked about diffferent apporaches to integral ecology, his thoughts on FfF und XR, about stages of ecological awareness and action, the realization of “at the same time it all gets better, worse and is already perfect”, about polarities and the positiv effects of the Trump years, as well as his MetaImpact framework to create healthy ecologies/environments for companies and consciousness. Great Stuff. Do it up!




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